J Tomás Fernández

Professional in design and management Building, highly focused on customers demand and on detection of new ways of opportunities.

I have big communication and analysis skills. I like creativity, innovation and team-working, always focused on problems solutions and objectives achievement. I am a building and technology material passionate, but overall, I believe in people.

After finishing my degree: a four-year program in Building Engineering, intensification in management and efficiency energetic. The society has been changing day by day and we need to change the fixed ideas.

I collaborated in a couple of projects and work like unskilled labourer in PAU "Las Tablas" Madrid a building designed by Enrique Herrada before accepting my role in the society, being a freelance focused on building and how to reactivate the costumers confidence, in building products and the housing market.

Specialties: Design open-concept spaces, oversee construction process, schedule and budget, coordinate health and security, tax value and valuate Buildings.

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